Fundamental physics meet innovation at the deep nanoscale

In the Photonic Nanotechnology group at DTU Electro, we research silicon nanostructures fabricated with state-of-the-art electron-beam lithography and silicon nanomachining.

We aim to bridge the gap between fundamental research and innovation. We believe that some of the most exciting business ideas may come from studying deep science and that the most profound research questions may appear in the course of tackling real-world engineering challenges.

Recent breakthroughs in semiconductor nanotechnology opens perspectives for building devices with hitherto unexplored dimensions such as silicon bridges only a few tens of atoms wide. In turn, this enables research spanning from fundamental studies of new regimes of enhanced light-matter interaction for quantum technologies to innovation projects with industrial collaborators towards green and sustainable solutions for society.

The current research in the Photonic Nanotechnology group includes fundamental investigations of novel classes of photonic nanocavities based on silicon bowties for realizing extremely small optical mode volumes, an innovation project developing chip-scale spectrometers together with industrial partners, research on engineering applications of nanoelectromechanical systems and Casimir physics in photonics, and photonic topological insulators.

Rather than being concerned with categorizing our research as either research or innovation, we strive to create impact. And impact can come from inventing a new nanodevice, developing a new numerical method, solving a complex integral, doing an important measurement, or starting a company.

Restricting our scope to silicon, which is the most advanced semiconductor material available, enables us to explore a wide range of projects and concepts that were beyond experimental reach just a few years ago. In addition, silicon is also the material of choice in the semiconductor and photonics industries and offers the shortest possible path from research breakthrough to innovation. A major activity in the group right now is developing next-generation ultracompact spectrometers based on our own patens. Such spectrometers may revolutionize food spectroscopy, optical interrogation monitors, and much more.


Søren Stobbe

Søren Stobbe Group Leader, Professor