Optical fiber fabrication facilities

The in-house fabrication of specialized optical fibers is made possible by dedicated labs for glass and polymer synthesis, preform extrusion, and optical fiber drawing. The facilities are specialized for fabrication of chalcogenide glass and polymer optical fibers for applications spanning from visible to infrared.

At DTU Electro we have the ability to design and fabricate specialized optical fibers all the way from base elements.

The in-house fabrication of these fibers is made possible by dedicated labs for glass and polymer synthesis, purification, preform extrusion, and optical fiber drawing. The facilities are highly specialized for fabrication of chalcogenide glass , polymer optical fibers, and multi-material fibers combining glass, polymers, and metals.

Applications of these fibers range from bio-compatible polymer sensors, neural probes containing metal electrodes, chemical sensors, and infrared light sources based on nonlinear optical phenomena.

Location: Building 340 and 343.



Ole Bang

Ole Bang Group Leader, Professor