H.C. Ørsted Medal for disseminator of electromagnetism

Elektroteknologi Elektromagnetisme
The Society for the Dissemination of Natural Sciences (SNU) awards the H.C. Ørsted Medal in silver for associate professor, and PhD in Electrical Engineering Samel Arslanagic.   

Samel Arslanagic i awarded the medal on the basis of his excellent dissemination of science through research and teaching, collaboration with industry through projects and guest lectures, as well as diligent authorship. 

The medal is presented at an event on 25 October 2021 in the H.C. Ørsted Building, Auditorium 1, Universitetsparken 5, Copenhagen and begins at 19.30 with a lecture by Samel Arslanagic with the title ”How to Control Electromagnetic Waves by Simple Water-Based Devices?”. Everyone is welcome to the event.

Ole Mørk Lauridsen, member of the assessment committee, about the medal recipient; 
”Samel Arslanagic is first and foremost a passionate and committed teacher. Secondly, he is an excellent researcher, which ensures that his teaching is always based on the latest findings in electromagnetism. 

Samel embraces students, international collaboration as well as projects with Danish industry; all supported by a long list of publications, whereby he in the finest way communicates Ørsted's science for the benefit of society as a whole. 

Samel stands today as a beacon within the dissemination of electromagnetic science; He is therefore a worthy recipient of the 2021 H.C. Ørsted silver medal, in H.C. Ørsted’s spirit of dissemination and utilisation of science in society”. 

The recognition of research dissemination
In addition to being a teacher and researcher, Samel is also actively engaged in industrial collaboration. He is the acting head of the Section for Electromagnetic Systems at DTU Electrical Engineering, which houses DTU's upcoming Electromagnetic Test Centre (ETC) that opens in 2022 and will provide, among other things, the mobile phone and radar industry significantly better opportunities for characterisation and optimisation of antenna and microwave conditions in their products. 

”It is with great joy and humility that I receive this recognition from SNU. It not only sheds light on the important work we researchers and educators do on a daily basis, but certainly also provides an immense motivation to continue our efforts," says Samel Arslanagic.

"I am also deeply grateful to DTU for entrusting me with part of the teaching and research in this central area of electrical science and technology, which electromagnetism undeniably is. The recognition also reflects to a very high degree the great atmosphere at DTU Electrical Engineering, and the colleagues among whom I have had the opportunity to develop, and not forgetting all the engaged students who with their critical sense ensures that we stay up to date”. 

Synergy between research and industry
The opportunity to be able to focus on the synergy between research and industry with the award ceremony is due to a collaboration between SNU and the TICRA foundation.

”We are delighted to initiate our collaboration with TICRA Fond and have the opportunity to focus on the important synergy between the research and the industrial communities. It was with precisely such synergy in mind that H.C. Ørsted in 1824 founded the Society for the Dissemination of Natural Science. He wanted the industrial community to gain access to the results of the newest research and use it for the benefit of the wider community,” says SNU's President Dorte Olesen.

"For the TICRA Foundation, the collaboration between industry and the talented researchers at the universities is at least as crucial now as it was in H. C. Ørsted’s time," says Oscar Borries, the TICRA Foundation.

“After 50 years as a knowledge-intensive company, we understand how much work it takes to translate theory into practice and at the same time educate future generations of researchers. We are therefore very proud to be take part in awarding this medal to one of the researchers who really makes a difference every day,” concludes Oscar Borries.


About the H.C. Ørsted silver medal for excellent dissemination of science

In 2024, Selskabet for Naturlærens Udbredelse, SNU, can celebrate its 200th anniversary. As a prelude, SNU has obtained support from the TICRA Foundation award an H.C. Ørsted silver medal every year from 2021 - 2024. The silver medal comes with a grant of DKK 20,000.

With his discovery of electromagnetism in 1820, H.C. Ørsted laid the foundation for the electrical engineering sciences on which TICRA bases its business. TICRA is a world leader in innovative solutions for modelling antennas for satellites. These antennas transmit and receive electromagnetic signals.

The awarding of the 4 silver medals is intended as a series with a special focus on skilled lecturers and communicators at the universities and researchers as well as engineers in companies that make a special effort to create synergy and collaboration between companies and universities, within the entire spectrum of subjects which is the basis for education and research in the electrotechnical field.“

The award in 2021 is based on recommendations from institutes from all over the country's universities and has been assessed by an expert assessment committee consisting of
- Dorte Olesen, President of SNU, dr.scient.
- Anja Cetti Andersen, Professor of Public Understanding of Science and Technology, PhD
- Ole Mørk Lauridsen, Member of SNU's Board, Engineer
- Oscar Borries, Head of Mathematics and AI at TICRA, PhD