Samel Arslanagic is Lecturer of the Year

Elektroteknologi Elektromagnetisme
Every year, the students vote for their favourite professors and crown the Lecturers of the Year in the BEng and BSc/MSc categories. In the latter category a lecturer from DTU Elektro was awarded.

The award celebrates DTU lecturers and honours them for showing great commitment to the teaching, for their ability to encourage the students to play an active part in their education, and for their capacity to communicate difficult material in an inviting and readily comprehensible manner.

At DTU’s annual Commemoration Party on 4 May 2018 DTU’s student union Polyteknisk Forening appointed Associate Professor Samel Arslanagic to the Lecturer of the Year for the BSc and MSc programmes. Samel receives this prestigious award for his excellent teaching in the mandatory course 31400 Electromagnetics and the elective course 31405 Wireless Communications; these courses are given by the Electromagnetic Systems group at DTU Elektro for 3rd and 4th semester students.

Samel has received very good course evaluations for his teaching through many years and one student testimony for the award states “He is without doubt the best teacher I have had at DTU.”

The award for the Lecturer of the Year in the BEng category was given to Associate Professor Sten Schmidl Søbjærg, DTU Space.