On 16 April the Danish Society of Engineers (IDA) awarded the annual ”E-kandidat” prizes for BEng or MSc projects. This year more prizes than usual were available as the so called E-Group under IDA celebrated its 100 years. Out of 10 ”E-kandidat” prizes not less than 5 went to DTU Elektro students. These prizes are only awarded upon recommendation.
BEng Janni Sandlykke received the prize for her project ”Design of Low Noice Integrated CMOS Opamp”. Janni has during her BEng project ”developed an integrated amplifier in CMOS technology with a result which only few R&D companies can match”.
BEng Silas Christiansen received the prize for his project ”Ka-band Microstrip Quadrature Power Divider”. In his BEng project Silas has ”worked with the development of a Ka-Band microstrip power divider to be used in satellite communication”.
MSc Adnan Vilic received the prize for his project ”Computer vision enhances SSVEP-based BCI spelling system”.
Adnan has designed a new brain-computer interface enabling the writing of documents by the sole power of thought.
MSc Rune T. Paamand received the prize for his project ”Reliability of respiration frequency estimation base don optical photoplethysmography on sternum”.
Rune has invented a new mentod for on line measurements of the respiration frequency in hospitalized patients.
MSc Mickey P. Madsen, now PhD student at our department, received the prize for his project ”Offline Very High Frequency Power Converters”.
Mickey has ”contributed with extraordinary results which will lead the way to something which might become no less than a revolution within Switch Mode Power Supply”.