PhD student Antoni Torras Rosell from the Acoustic Technology group has been awarded with the EAA Best Paper and Presentation Award 2012 at the International European conference on noise “Euronoise 2012”.
The paper was titled: "A beamforming system based on the acousto-optic effect” and describes a beamforming system that locates sound sources based on the acousto-optic effect, this is, the interaction between sound and light. You can read the paper here.
Former PhD student at DTU Electrical Engineering, David Pelegrin-Garcia, participated also at the conference and was awarded for his presentation based on the findings of his PhD project "Classroom Acoustics Design Guidelines Based on the Optimization of Speaker Conditions".
The conference took place 10 - 13 June at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. Read more about the conference here