31 OKT Petabit per second data transmission speeds from a single chip-scale light source As the internet grows ever larger, there is an increasing need for innovation in the core technologies which drive the backbone of the internet.
24 OKT Gennembrud - Verdens mindste foton i et dielektrisk materiale Forskere fra Grundforskningscenteret NanoPhoton på DTU har udviklet en nanostruktur, som presser lyset sammen, så det bliver 10.000 gange tyndere end et menneskehår...
02 SEP 5G emergency-medical IT health bridge A DTU Electro research project with Zealand University Hospital investigates the possibilities of upgrading teledata communication in Region Zealand, so that large amounts...
31 AUG Lecture: Digitalization's impact on the fight against climate change The internet is one of the world's greatest climate sinners. On September 5th Professor Leif Katsuo Oxenløwe will hold a lecture about why the Internet is still to be... Miljøteknologi
09 AUG 40 years of research and education with Nils Axel Andersen Associate professor Nils Axel Andersen has spent 40 years working at DTU, helping solve societal challenges in health, transportation and robotics, all while educating...
08 AUG New Chip-Based Beam Steering Device Lays Groundwork for Smaller, Cheaper Lidar Hao Hu and Yong Liu developed a new OPA that replaces the multiple emitters of traditional OPAs with a slab grating to create a single emitter. This design enables beam...
04 AUG Professor Leif Katsuo Oxenløwe elected member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences... In an announcement on May 17 2022, the Royal Academy announced its inclusion of 15 new members in the natural sciences class. Professor Oxenløwe was among them, and he...
05 OKT Digitalisering er et vigtigt klimaværktøj CO2-udledning fra internettet er på højde med flyindustriens, men teknologierne bag er samtidig et afgørende redskab i klimakampen.
05 OKT Digitalisering er et vigtigt klimaværktøj CO2-udledning fra internettet er på højde med flyindustriens, men teknologierne bag er samtidig et afgørende redskab i klimakampen. Lasere Optik
27 AUG Ny fysik baner vejen for mikroskopiske lasere med høj kohærens Forskere fra DTU har vist, at en Fano-laser – der er en ny form for mikroskopisk laser – har grundlæggende fordele i forhold til andre typer af lasere. Opdagelsen kan...