Quantum photonics

Twist engineering: A new way to control light-matter interactions

In an article recently published in Nature Communications, DTU Electro researchers have achieved a significant breakthrough in quantum materials and photonics. Their latest study sheds new light on the moiré exciton physics and devices at room temperature.



  • Chalmers University of Technology
  • Aalto University


  • Danish National Research Foundation through DNRF Center NanoPhoton
  • The Independent Research Fund Denmark


  • Full title: Moiré-engineered light-matter interactions in MoS2/WSe2 heterobilayers at room temperature
  • Authors: Lin Q., Fang H., Kalaboukhov A., Liu Y., Zhang Y., Fischer M., Li J., Hagel J., Brem S., Malic E., Stenger N., Sun Z., Wubs M. & Xiao S.
  • Link to article in Nature Communications
