Academic journeys

Søren Stobbe joins Electro’s full professoriate

Newly appointed professor, Søren Stobbe shares the importance of killing one’s darlings and his vision of impact over both research and innovation. Get to know his views on basic research, open source, and changing course.

Professor Søren Stobbe
Photo: Ole Ekelund


  • Professor Søren Stobbe obtained his MSc from the Niels Bohr Institute in 2005 and his PhD from DTU in 2009.
  • He was a visiting scholar at California Institute of Technology in 2011 and Associate Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute from 2013 to 2018 after which he moved to DTU, where he is now leading the Photonic Nanotechnology Group.
  • He is the recipient of multiple grants and awards and is currently leading an ERC Consolidator project and a major IFD Grand Solutions innovation project. He has published more than 20 papers in Nature, Science, Reviews of Modern Physics, other Nature journals, and Physical Review Letters.
  • Besides his research activities, Prof. Stobbe is very active in innovation, and he holds six patents and has founded three deep-tech start-up companies in the areas of photonics, quantum technology, and nanotechnology.

Find information and practical details about his inaugural lecture here.


Søren Stobbe

Søren Stobbe Group Leader, Professor