Academic journeys

Martijn Wubs joins Electro’s full professoriate

Newly appointed professor Martijn Wubs thought his research journey in Denmark was going to be a short adventure, which turned out to last 17 years – and counting. He shares the importance of working as a team, a strong start, and structure – preferably 2D.

Newly appointed Professor Martijn Wubs is standing in front of a large barren tree in a winter landscape


  • Martijn Wubs obtained MSc degrees in Physics and in Philosophy of Science at the University of Groningen (NL) in 1997.
  • He obtained his PhD degree at the University of Amsterdam in 2003, with a thesis “Quantum Optics and Multiple Scattering in Dielectrics”.
  • He became a postdoc at the University of Augsburg (2004-2007), and at the Niels Bohr Institute (2007-2009).
  • At DTU he started as a postdoc (2009)
  • Became assistant professor (2010)
  • Became associate professor (2011)
  • Became group leader of the Quantum Photonics of Low-Dimensional Systems group (2017)
  • Was appointed full professor (2024)

Find information and practical details about his inaugural lecture here.


Martijn Wubs

Martijn Wubs Group Leader, Professor