
Backscattering protection in integrated photonics is impossible with existing technologies, says Electro study

Published in Nature Photonics, a new paper from the Photonic Nanotechnology group at DTU Electro reports the conclusion of a very careful experimental investigation: topological waveguides do not work – at least not with known materials. Who said that modern science does not appreciate negative results?

A scanning electron microscope image of one of the photonic waveguides studied by the DTU researchers. The waveguide is formed at the edge between two photonic topological insulators (blue and red) which are realized in nanoscale silicon membranes. It has been predicted that light propagating in such topological waveguides is immune to backscattering on structural defects, but this was never investigated experimentally. For the first time, the DTU team checked this in an experiment and found the opposite: strong backscattering. ©C. A. Rosiek