Quantum computers are one of the most promising technologies of the future, devices potentially capable of solving problems that are intractable even for the most powerful super computers, but they are still at the prototype stage and there are several possible paths of development. One of the most promising is light-based: the use of photons and “squeezed” light as qubits.
EPIQUE – European Photonic Quantum Computer – was set up in order to investigate in depth the potential offered by the development of photonic quantum computing platforms, a project that aims to lead the way in a domain with wide margins for development.
Why photonics?
A major issue in the construction of quantum information technologies is decoherence, meaning that the phase information of the quantum bit is lost, this means loss of information. Prototypes of quantum computers based on photonic technologies have demonstrated important advantages in recent years, in particular having a low decoherence, minimising the loss of information, a simple infrastructure that does not have to operate at near-zero temperatures as in superconducting processors, and a natural integration with fibre-optic communication systems for networking. Three of the four to date released demonstrations of quantum advantage – meaning the ability to perform a calculation process that is effectively intractable for a conventional computer – have been achieved using photonic technologies.
However, existing results have often been limited by bulky and difficult-to-scale devices. Recognising the potential of this technological path, EPIQUE now aims to bring together the many European players, both academia and SMEs, already among the world leaders in various fields of photonic technologies, to realise a general-purpose photonic quantum platform. EPIQUE aims to develop three different demonstration prototypes of photonic quantum computers with tens of qubits. Now, 10 qubits is not enough to compete with conventional computers, but these prototypes will pave the way towards a more ambitious quantum platform implementing over 1,000 qubits.
“EPIQUE’s work is poised to set a new European standard in photonic quantum computing research”, says Professor Fabio Sciarrino from Sapienza University di Roma, the EPIQUE Coordinator. “By integrating advancements in both technology and algorithms – Sciarrino adds – we are focused on developing a viable trajectory towards an innovative quantum computing platform. The impact of the developed technologies can also affect other application areas of quantum technologies, such as quantum sensing and metrology”.
EPIQUE is one of six projects, based on the same number of technological solutions, designed to physically develop a European quantum computer as part of the Quantum Flagship promoted by the European Commission in 2018 and funded with around EUR 1 billion.
DTUs role
Within photonics there are two approaches to quantum computing: single photons and squeezed light. The project encompasses both. 2 out of 3 work packages are focused on single photons, and 1 is focused on squeezed light. DTU Physics is a part of the squeezed light package, whereas Electro is connected to the work with single photons.
Professor Niels Gregersen and his team will be supporting the work with single photons with designs and simulations. Gregersen has designed and simulated light sources for 10-15 years, so the team will supply the designs for the single photon sources to be produced in France. These will produce the single photons, which the qbits will be coded onto.
What’s the use?
Quantum computers will have an immense impact on the world as we know it. With quantum encryption we will achieve 100% anonymous and secure elections and unbreakable information security – which will be needed, as quantum computers in the hands of hackers will be able to break conventional encryption in a very short amount of time.
But quantum computers are much more than hacking and encryption. Quantum computers will also open entirely new doors for example within the energy sector, where quantum computers can optimize the power distribution and thus save energy, and within medicine, for faster drug development and research in cures for illnesses such as cancer and diabetes. Imagine what doctors could have done with a quantum computer, when COVID hit.
Università Sapienza di Roma (Uniroma) Italy
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) Italy
Università degli Studi di Firenze (Unifi) Italy
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) France
Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA) France
Quandela France
Single Quantum Bv (Single Quantum) Netherlands
Universitaet Paderborn (UPB) Germany
Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (UHEI) Germany
Qubig Gmbh (Qubig) Germany
Universitat Wien (UniVie) Austria
NKT Photonics A/S Denmark.
Laboratorio Iberico Internacional de Nanotecnologia Lin (INL) Portugal
Naukowa I Akademicka Siec Komputerowa – Panstwowy Instytut (NASK) Poland
Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke V Praze (CVUT) Czechia
Tyndall, University College Cork – National University of Ireland, Cork (UCC) Ireland
Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum (IMEC) Belgium
Learn more about the project here.