PhD defence by Jingyu Liu

PhD defence by Jingyu Liu


06. jun 2023 13:30 - 16:30


Technical University of Denmark
Ørsteds Plads
Building 341, Auditorium 23
2800 Lyngby


DTU Electro

PhD defence

PhD defence by Jingyu Liu

Plenoptic modelling and measurements of novel displays

Plenoptic modelling and measurements of novel displays
By Jingyu Liu

Professor Søren Forchhammer, DTU Electrocal & Photonics Engineering
Senior Researcher Claire Mantel, DTU Electrocal & Photonics Engineering

PhD Committee:
Professor Ole Ravn, DTU Electrocal & Photonics Engineering
Professor Karol Myszkowski, Max-PLanck-Institut für Informatik, Germany
Associate Professor George A. Koulieris, Durham University, UK

Master of Ceremony:
Associate Profesor Lars Staalhagen, DTU Electrocal & Photonics Engineering

All are welcome