Inaugural lecture by Adjunct Professor Kirsten Moselund

Inaugural lecture by Adjunct Professor Kirsten Moselund


01. maj 2024 15:00 - 16:00


DTU Lyngby, Ørsteds Plads 340, room 9.14.A (Line of Light)


DTU Electro

Inaugural lecture by Adjunct Professor Kirsten Moselund

Electro's newly appointed adjunct professor, Kirsten Moselund will be giving an inaugural lecture at the department, treating Hybrid III-V/Silicon photonics. The lecture will be followed by a reception.

Our modern interconnected society is built upon two foundational technologies; the compute power of silicon CMOS and the capability of photonics for transmitting vast amounts of data in telecommunication networks.

The seamless integration of silicon electronics and III-V photonics has been a long-standing goal to merge these two worlds on a single chip.

As silicon photonics integrated circuit technology matures, there’s renewed interest in combining passive silicon waveguides with other materials in hybrid devices and systems, to add functionality not achievable with silicon alone.

In her lecture Adjunct Professor Moselund will cover the work done at IBM research on developing novel epitaxial techniques for the monolithic integration of III-Vs on Silicon.

Notably, she will focus on waveguide coupled high-speed III-V photodetectors, a collaboration with DTU, and III-V photonic crystal lasers on silicon for on-chip optical communication. She will also discuss research in the context of new developments at the Paul Scherrer Institute.


Jesper Mørk

Jesper Mørk Head of Section, Professor