Professor Søren Forchhammer's 40th jubilee

Professor Søren Forchhammer's 40th jubilee


01. nov 2024 14:00 - 16:00


Line of Light
Building 340, Ørsteds Plads
2800 Kgs. Lyngby


DTU Electro

Professor Søren Forchhammer's 40th jubilee

DTU Electro is pleased to invite all interested parties to Professor Søren Forchhammer's jubilee and congratulate him on his many years of research and teaching at the department. The jubilee is combined with a reception. We look forward to celebrating Søren's research and seeing all of you.

Prof. Forchhammer started his career in image coding before JPEG was JPEG.

Back when the focus was solely on digitization: enabling the digital handling of images and video. These days of course, a lot of the focus has shifted to digitalization. But Prof. Forchhammer was there, when the foundation was made, and ever since then he has contributed to revolutionizing the field of coding and visual communication

  • Group Leader of the Coding and Visual Communication group
  • Flagship leader of Coding and Information Theory in the DNRF CoE SPOC.

Prof. Forchhammer has authored more than 250 international scientific publications.

He and his group has created codes and coding both for the future of quantum key distribution and optical communication ensuring that the communication is delivered correctly and securely. He has codes in PDF, and codes in space. His work has literally reached the outer limits of our atmosphere on the ISS.

Today Prof. Forchhammer’s main focuses are sustainability, energy efficiency and quantum security.


Søren Otto Forchhammer

Søren Otto Forchhammer Group Leader, Professor