13 JAN A DTU Fotonik Marie Curie proposal accepted Dr. Xianglong Zeng and Dr. Morten Bache have succeeded in securing a Marie Curie Fellowship.
15 DEC Beyond optical horizons - DTU Fotonik's new book Gangen i stueetagen af bygning 343 er - midlertidigt - fyldt med bøger i stakke. DTU Fotoniks anden bog er netop ankommet fra trykkeren. Beyond Optical Horizons - Today...
24 SEP 1st year PhD student with post deadline paper at ECOC Antonio Caballero (1st year PhD student), Darko Zibar, and Idelfonso Tafur Monroy have produced a paper that has been accepted as a postdeadline contribution at the European...
03 AUG Energibesparelser med diodelys Som den ene af to kvindelige DTU forskere, har lektor Beata Kardynal af DTU Fotonik modtaget et forskningslegat fra Det Frie Forskningsråd.
20 JUL Publishing in Science The latest issue of Science features a report by - among others - Jørn M. Hvam and Mike van der Poel.
25 JUN 22 % Success Rate in Funding Applications DTU Fotonik scientists were granted funding on a whopping 22 % of their applications in the spring application round this year.
12 JUN ELFORSK 2009 DTU Fotonik's Birgitte Thestrup and Carsten Dam Hansen are part of the group that has received this year’s Elforsk Pris. The prize was given for a project that promises...