Grant for safe human-robot interactions

Elektroteknologi Robotteknik og automation
DTU Electrical Engineering and DTU Environment received grants from the foundation Direktør Dr. Techn. A.N. Neergaards og Hustrus Fond on 13 November 2019.

The Board of Directors of the foundation Direktør, dr. techn. A.N. Neergaards og Hustrus Fond has chosen to support Assistant Professor Silvia Tolu’s application regarding the research project ‘Bio-Inspired Compliant Control for Safe Human-Robot Interactions’ with DKK 50,000. 

The short summary from the application states: "The vision of using robots for patient rehabilitation requires a safe human robot interaction. This can be guaranteed by active compliance. The Panda robot, with torque sensors on 7 axes, is the ideal test-bench for bio-inspired motor control methods that have been developed at DTU within EU projects. Both researchers and students will benefit from testing the methodology on the physical platform".

Silvia Tolu was up against 43 other applicants, and the board generally found the level extremely high. 

The grant was distributed to Silvia Tolu by DTU Provost Rasmus Larsen in connection with a reception at DTU on Wednesday, 13 November 2019.

The other grant recipient was Associate Professor Massimo Rollo from DTU Environment.

DTU Provost Rasmus Larsen and Assistant Professor Silvia Tolu, DTU Electrical Engineering (Photo: DTU)

From the grant reception: DTU Provost Rasmus Larsen and Assistant Professor Silvia Tolu, DTU Electrical Engineering (Photo: DTU)